Saturday, January 16, 2021

What makes Hertility different to other at-home fertility tests?

If you’re on birth control, you won’t be able to test all seven hormones, but you can still get some information about your fertility. This includes information on AMH and TSH, two hormones critical for fertility. At-home fertility tests are a great option for those wanting an answer as soon as possible.

how to test your fertility at home

Instead, they act as a starting point to help you figure out whether you need or want to seek additional fertility consulting and treatment. Track the entire test process and manage your test results from a secure online account. If you have had a vasectomy, it’s recommended to test your fertility around 12 weeks after the procedure to confirm that the vasectomy procedure was a success. If you’ve had a vasectomy reversal, you will also want to test your sperm consistently after the procedure to ensure your sperm is recovering normally.

Where Can I Buy Male To Female Hormones

If you’re ready for children but aren’t in a relationship, we recommend looking into accessing donor sperm. If you’re in a relationship and ready for children, we recommend you try to get pregnant as soon as possible. The rate at which your egg supply declines varies, though - every woman is different.

how to test your fertility at home

If your infertility is due to a varicocele, there are outpatient surgeries that you can have that open the vein and allow for the passage of sperm. Injectable, oral, and topical hormones can adjust imbalances and allow for normal ovulation. Sometimes, a doctor can treat your infertility without knowing the cause based on your symptoms and previous health history. With Modern Fertility, you'll also receive a Fertility Measurement Index, a tool you can use to track fertility over time. Your number is comprised of your age, hormone levels and general health information like your BMI and lifestyle habits.

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Results come back in about seven to 10 days after the lab receives the kit. They’re first viewed by a doctor and then are released to you in a personalized fertility profile. You can also have a free consultation with a fertility nurse to review your results. In addition, Modern Fertility offers a community where you can ask questions to help understand your test results. Recently, there has been a rise in male home-fertility testing, which is good news as male fertility issues account for about 40% to 50% of fertility issues with couples. You can use these results to highlight concerns that you may have with a healthcare professional and progress on to a pathway of fertility support.

how to test your fertility at home

Yes, you can download your results from your health dashboard as a PDF to share with your GP. We keep you updated throughout the process by email and text message. See at a glance if your results fall outside the normal range, and compare your results to others. Understand if symptoms you're experiencing could be due to perimenopause with our ground-breaking hormone mapping test. You can log everything from your basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and up to 50 custom fields to keep up with changes in your cycle and body.

Are at-home fertility tests accurate?

“A semen analysis is a simple test which looks qualitatively and quantitatively at the volume and quality of male sperm. The test is performed by having a male ejaculate into a sterile cup, and then having that ejaculate analyzed in a medical lab.” states Dr. Taylor Graber, MD. So if you’re ready to dive in and find out how to test male fertility both in a lab and at home, I have a simple solution for you. However, let’s first discuss the physiology behind male fertility, including how the tests actually work to discover the many factors contributing to the efficacy and function of the male sperm. Blood tests - These help to give an accurate picture of your overall hormonal health and will also measure AMH levels to assess your ovarian reserve.

how to test your fertility at home

Legacy cannot provide you with medical advice or diagnose you with any disease or condition. We currently are unable to provide tests for international clients. If at least 40% of your sperm swims swiftly and efficiently, then your sperm motility is considered healthy.

We are recognised as a UK Government approved provider for General Testing, Test to Release and Day 2 and 8 Testing.

And, any time you are handing over billing information, health data, personal mailing addresses and more, security is key. Overall, we chose Modern Fertility as the best at-home fertility test because it tests the most hormones. Results are available in just a few days and are easy to understand. You also have access to a free nurse consultation along with a community of others to connect with. Others require a blood sample, and you will have to prick your finger like you would for an insulin test.

She's passionate about infertility and helping others advocate for their own health. The at-home test themselves are sent to the same labs used by professional healthcare practitioners. They are very accurate unless there are issues with equipment or samples which cause anomalies or failed tests.


While fertility struggles used to be kept private, the conversation is opening up around the potential for fertility problems and so fertility testing is much more common than it used to be. But with more at-home fertility tests available, how do you know which one is best? This is an important time to put your eggs in the right basket, so let us break it down for you.

I personally can attest that Let'sGetChecked provides timely shipping and clear instructions. However, I'm squeamish and have very thin blood, so I didn't have a great experience with the finger prick (and wasn't able to collect a large enough sample). If you're in a similar boat, I would recommend going to a lab to have a professional help collect your sample. The Female Hormone Test kit comes with thorough instructions, several lancets, a collection tube, and a prepaid return shipping label. Once you've activated your test and taken your blood sample , Let'sGetChecked asks that you send it back the same day. You'll then receive your results in two to five days (which you can view using the Let'sGetChecked app); a nurse will call if the results show any cause for concern.

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The tests check for certain markers in both biological males and females, with each sex getting tested for different things. For example, an at-home fertility test for females will usually focus on assessing follicle-stimulating hormone levels and luteinizing hormone in the body. These hormones are extremely important to determining ovulation cycles and fertility levels to assess your ability to get pregnant. What roles these hormones play specifically is an entirely different can of worms.

how to test your fertility at home

While convenience is not always the best call, it can be helpful when you need reassurance without waiting for an appointment slot to open with your physician. However, theCenters for Disease Control recommends seeing a doctor if you are under 35 and have been trying to conceive for a year. If you are over 35, the CDC recommends going to a physician after six months. At-home tests can still be beneficial if you know how to use them.

We are ISO certified, all our kits are CE marked and we only use UKAS accredited labs to analyse your blood sample. We make it easy for you to view and understand your results through our secure Health Dashboard. Our team of doctors review every test and will provide feedback on any out-of-range results, enabling you to take positive action. “Hormones, such as the level of testosterone, FSH, and LH, are tested through the blood, as the pituitary glands and testicles play an important role in semen production. Post-ejaculation unrinalysis is important to check if sperms are taking the wrong course to get out of the body through urine.” adds Dr. Alka. The semen analysis will examine a sample of semen under a microscope.

how to test your fertility at home

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